July 23, 2009

Iditarod | Event Identity

Iditarod is the "Last Great Race On Earth" -- The spirit of Alaska. More than a race... a commemoration. It is an event, a dog sled race over 1150 miles of the roughest, most beautiful terrain Mother Nature has to offer. The race pits man and animal against nature, against wild Alaska at her best and as each mile is covered, a tribute to Alaska's past is issued ( http://www.iditarod.com ).

In their new logo I've redesigned, I was inspired by the Native Alaskan art and the idea of the "spirit" animal as the sled dog, so I went with the Alaskan particular abstract look. The meaning behind the colors I chose: the blue is to represent courage, hardship, and victory, while the red is to represent the "heart of the dogs--the team," which is strength, stamina and endurance, and the gray serif typeface to communicate snow and Alaska. The overall mood of the identity is appropriate to identify the event. I wanted it to have a strong and bold appeal just like the motivation and race itself.

In this poster and invitation, my idea is to "look through the eyes of the musher" and the dogs and as you open the invitation, you are taken to the race -- just like clips in a movie trailer, in this case, Iditarod.



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